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Please note:  Newbies listed in PINK letters below.

2020 The trip that wasn't.

People who really wanted to go to Germany, but are now stuck at home.  




Flying Dan



Friend of sittinginacornfield

2019 Father/Daughter trip

A new spin on the trip,  Fathers & Daughters getting to enjoy the tasty brew.  



Flying Dan


2018: Silver Anniversary Trip


Designated Walker

Barley Man

Paulaner Girl


Schlumberger Lady

Flying Dan

Patty Rang

Jane Lynch


2016: Passing the Torch

Keith Vozel (Chugger)

Gregory Vozel (Jeep CJ)

Mark McClean (Alcoholische)

Jonathon Boyd (Betrunken)


2013: 20th Anniversary Trip

Keith Vozel

Dave Finlay

Joyce Finlay

Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Big Schad

Lil' Schad



Jane Lynch


2011: Dutch Treat

John Lynch

Keith Vozel

Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Dave Finlay

Jane Lynch

Bob Doroba


2009: Munich Assault Trip

John Lynch

Keith Vozel

Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Dave Finlay

Joyce Finlay

Rod Goelz

2007: Tradition Revisited

John Lynch

Keith Vozel

Dan Rang

Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Jack Lynch

John McNamara

Joe Shannon

Patric Shannon

2005: The Uber Trip (17 people... a new record)

Keith Vozel

Debbie Vozel

John Lynch

Candy Lynch

Dave Finlay

Joyce Finlay

Jim Dell

Sam Anderson

Jack Lynch

Speedy Civic

Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Richard Lock

Agnes Lock

Ron Hamilton

Bonnie Hamilton

Jane Lynch

2003: 10 year Reunion Tour

Keith Vozel
John Lynch
Joe Shannon
Bob Roalef
Dan Rang
Patty Rang
Henk Prenger
Gemma Prenger
Trudy Van Dijk

Dave Van Dijk

2001: The Smoke Beer Experience

Keith Vozel
John Lynch
Dave Finlay
Joyce Finlay
Joe Shannon
Henk Prenger

Gemma Prenger

Bob Roalef

Jack "Little John" Lynch

1999: Barf Olympics

Keith Vozel
John Lynch
Dave Finlay
Joe Shannon

Jim Dell

1997: The Woody Trip

Keith Vozel
John Lynch
Dave Finlay
Joyce Finlay

Dan Rang

"Pappa" Lynch
Bob Roalef

James Fish


1993: Stair Diving Olympics/Symphony Orchestra Recital

Keith Vozel

Debbie Vozel

John Lynch

Mike Iwicki

Dave Finlay

Jim Von Hollie

Jim Von Hollie Dad

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